podcast episode 50
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Release the Overwhelm

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This is Stephanie’s second coaching session. Her first session is Episode 49. If you haven’t already heard her first session, listening to that is recommended before listening to this session. 

Since the first coaching session, Stephanie has stopped spending time on social media since that took so much time and energy away from working on her passion project (the new business venture she discussed in Episode 49). 

She’s now only posting on social media when she’s accomplished something in her business! In this way, social media is supporting her to be accountable instead of distracting her from the startup tasks she wants to do to launch her new business.

As we explore what else is taking up her time and energy, we determine three major areas of her life and work right now that are consuming her energy and time: 1) parenting her 5-year-old son, 2) running her dog walking business and 3) teaching at a university. 

When she thinks about adding her passion project business to her already-full schedule she feels very overwhelmed. 

So, given all that she has going on her life and work, where does she go from here? What does she need to step away from in order to feel less overwhelmed and to focus on what matters most to her? 

How is Stephanie doing now? Here's an update:

Hi Kristin,

The biggest takeaway from this second coaching session was to give myself permission to take things off my plate. Although I am enjoying all the projects, it’s impossible to give the attention it all deserves with the time I have available to work. Everything I have learned in my pursuit to move online is invaluable, but I want to use that knowledge to focus more closely at creating flow in my dog walking business FIRST.

As I deal with burnout from the pandemic, being a mom and tendencies of overstretching myself, I am thinking more and more about making space for other parts of my identity.

We discussed my desire to increase my horseback riding to 3x/week and after our conversation I am feeling like that vision might be closer than I anticipated!

I am excited for our third coaching session that’s coming up soon as well as participating in your goal setting webinar!

Thanks so much,

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Links Mentioned in the Podcast:

Find out about the interactive 28-Day Business and Life Bootcamp for Badass Women.

Click to find out more about the Monthly Webinars and Workshops

Schedule a Private Coaching Session with Kristin Morrison

Want to create your Best Year Yet? Here is the info about Kristin’s Best Year Coaching

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Click to apply to get coached by Kristin Morrison on the Business Pathfinder podcast

Connect with Kristin Morrison on Instagram @coachkristinmorrison

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