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Unpacking Negative Beliefs about Money

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This is Part Two of my coaching session with May, a financial coach in the UK who works with individuals, and also runs a non-profit. It’s recommended that you listen to Part One first (Ep. 45) before listening to this session as this one builds upon the first session.

May has taken action since the last session including raising her rates. 

Now she’s wanting to explore what may be underneath her negative beliefs about making money so she can move beyond them and make monumental changes in her business life. 

In this session, you’ll hear us unpack May’s early life when she unconsciously took on some of her parent’s beliefs about money. Unless we bring negative beliefs to consciousness, they can continue to run our lives and May is courageously willing to explore this so she can free herself from these beliefs that don’t serve her today. 

Join me and May as we bring to light her unconscious beliefs about money so she can choose whether to keep them or let them go. It’s always a choice. As you listen, I encourage you to reflect on beliefs you may have taken on that no longer serve you in your business and your life today. 

Please note: This is Part Two of my business coaching session with May. Part One is Episode 45. It’s recommended that you listen to that episode first since this session builds upon the first session.

How is May doing now? Here's an update:

“This business coaching session was like years of therapy!

Thank you – listening through again was so helpful and I suspect I’ll listen several more times. I keep my new money journal by my bed and jot down thoughts whenever they come up.
I’ve been trying to make more space for peace in my life, and have signed up for some yoga classes (so far, I’ve had to cancel both times for illness/mice in the kitchen, but third time lucky I’m hoping!) to help with that. I’ve also tried meditating, with somewhat mixed results so far.
On the pricing issue, I found an approach I feel good about. I’m going to increase my current prices as discussed, but I’m also going to have a second pricing tier. The current, increased price of £75 a month will be my affordable pricing. The second tier will be my “standard” pricing, and I’m toying with that being double the affordable pricing. Which price people choose to pay will be entirely up to them, on an honour system.
If no one chooses to pay the higher price, I’ve lost nothing. If people do, great! It may increase my appeal to higher earners – a business friend who works with successful women who are getting divorced told me that her audience wouldn’t work with me because I’m too cheap. It’s an interesting experiment if nothing else, and I feel good about it in a way that I didn’t feel when contemplating just hiking my prices overall.
I’m looking forward to hearing the second part and reflecting further on what we talked about.”
Thank you again,

May Fairweather
Fairweather Adventures
Stockport, UK

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