Amy is like a lot of business owners, and even some people who don’t have a business.
She is having a difficult time detaching from her phone and she’s also finding herself plagued by a lot of worry.
She feels like her phone is always with her and she has no idea how to fully let it go, even for a bit of time each day, so that she can actually be a human being instead of a human doing all the time.
Amy feels like she’s currently living the life of the meme: “Why did I quit my 9-5 job only to work 24/7 in my business?”
We cover a lot of ground in this session, and it ended in a very different spot than we anticipated it.
Near the end of this session with Amy, it became clear there was more to work on with Amy and so we set up another session – Part Two is Episode 37.
Thanks to Amy for being so vulnerable and willing to share her struggles in this coaching session. We cover topics here that so many business owners face and I feel so grateful that she was able to show up so courageously for this session in order to help those of you who struggle with similar issues.
It’s my hope that if you’re struggling with detaching from your phone and from debilitating worry that this episode will help you find some relief.