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Delegate for a Better Work Life 

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Susan is a beekeeper who educates people on how to raise healthy and happy bees. 

She has a small farm on the Big Island of Hawaii, called Bird and Bee Hawaii. Susan teaches beekeeping classes, she sells beekeeping equipment in her farm shop, and she also has a bird rescue on her property with over 50 rescued chickens, peacocks, turkeys and other types of birds. 

Susan needs to hire someone to help her because she just can’t do everything anymore.

Initially Susan’s thinking she’ll only hire one person for social media, farm shop duties and property maintenance but as we explore hiring options in this coaching session, it becomes clear that more than one person is needed. 

Like many business owners, Susan has a lot of questions about how to grow her business and how best to find, hire and keep great staff and delegate so she can grow her business and focus on the tasks she most enjoys.

How is Susan doing now? Here’s an update from Susan in her own words:

“Hi Kristin,

After my coaching session, I used Indeed, Fiverr, Upwork and a statewide conservation job program to attempt to find a part-time employee to help.  I found that Fiverr is great for finding talent internationally for projects that can been accomplished anywhere in the world. 

I did have a personal assistant that I hoped would be great, but she didn’t have much time for my tasks and I had to let her go.  Other employees have come and gone usually within a few weeks. 

Most people find my location too remote and too far of a drive for the job.  Bird and Bee Hawaii currently has a part-time worker who is wonderful and has been working at the apiary for almost a month two days a week. My new employee loves bees and had attended one of my previous classes, so she’s been a great fit!”

Susan Collins
Bird and Bee Hawaii

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Bird and Bee Hawaii, LLC is a woman-run business founded in 2018.  Susan Collins founded the company when starting a side hustle of selling bee equipment and then teaching beekeeping classes. She has taught over 190 people The art of beekeeping on the Big Island.  Bird and Bee Hawaii mainly encompasses selling bee equipment; teaching beginner beekeeping courses; giving bee tours at her apiary; helping to maintain other people’s apiaries and removing bees for others on their properties.  Susan decided to take her business full time two years ago and it has been continuing to grow as more and more people find an interest in backyard beekeeping! You can learn more about Susan and Bird and Bee at: www.BirdandBeeHawaii.com

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Click to find out more about the Mid-Year 2023 Business and Personal Goal Workshop.

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