Hi Kristin,
Ari had a very successful few months selling more baskets than anticipated. He also has his baskets up for sale in a pet food store, however that was not doing anything, it seems like Ari needs to be “in the middle” himself to make the sale… people like to buy from an entrepreneurial teenager, while they don’t get that connection when the baskets are sold in the store.
Ari had a special Christmas Stocking filled with dog treats, which also did very well in sales. He put together an Easter Treat basket for dogs, where he collaborated with the Greenfield Twins (also YouTubers and podcasters) on adding homemade dog friendly “chocolates” made from peanut butter.
Ari’s e-commerce is now fully up and running, he ships his baskets across the continental US for a low shipping fee. Advertising for e-commence is new for him and there is still a lot to learn. So far, the sales are the most lucrative when he shows up in person. Ari is still fully dedicated to growing his business and he envisions it to be his main source of “high school income” through the high school years, allowing for him to save for college.
Thanks, Kristin!
-Gitta (Ari’s mom)
Ari Minkus
Founder, Always Happy Dogs
“Gifting Happiness To The World’s Pets”
Here’s a further update I received recently from Ari’s mom, Gitta:
“Hi Kristin,
I wanted to send you an update on Ari and his dog gift basket business.
Ari is graduating from 8th grade today! And a lot of changes have happened for Ari since you and I last spoke…
We moved from one part of Marin County to another part of Marin. And Ari started an AI business with his dad, where they are offering workshops for business owners on how to use AI to refine and build their businesses! The AI workshop business has taken off like a rocket ship; and Ari decided, as we were moving, to close his Always Happy Dogs Business. We sold off the remaining baskets and donated all dog treats and toys to the Marin Humane Society. I would think the podcast session with him on it is still valuable for your podcast listeners. If you prefer to not put it up given that Ari has changed his business avenues, that is of course fine, too. Sending you a hug and happy greetings!”
~Gitta, Ari’s mom