business pathfinder kristin morrison episode 1
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Create a Schedule You Love

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Today’s coaching session is with Donna, a business owner in Tennessee. 

She has owned her business for a few years and she’s struggling with creating a schedule that works for her and her full life with family and many pets. (Donna wins the award for the business owner I’ve coached who has the most dogs – she has 9 dogs!)  

In this episode, you’ll hear how she can learn to say no to clients because saying no is a learned behavior and may not come naturally to business owners. She’s pretzeled herself to accommodate her beloved clients and like a lot of entrepreneurs, she needs to un-pretzel herself to put some of that energy and attention toward herself, her family and her own dogs. 

You’ll also hear about how Donna and I took a break from social media and how that positively impacted our lives and how taking a social media break may help you too. Plus, a lot of other questions, challenges and business issues were covered in this longer-than-usual coaching session. You’re likely to be able to relate to some (or all) of this coaching session with Donna. 

How is Donna doing now? Here’s an update:

“Hi Kristin,

A few months ago, I emailed a business challenge for your new podcast. I stated that after having Covid in January I realized I needed a change. I did not want to go back to the crazy schedule I had as a sole proprietor pet business owner. I was at a crossroad in my life. Do I continue the business and hire so I can step back, or do I start a new chapter?

I am pleased to say that I was able to do both. Instead of hiring so that I could have more time for myself, I put together a new business model and “semi-retired.” I reduced my clients by half, kept the client base that I knew would ease the work burden, and sustained a desired income. It took some time to develop but has worked out beautifully. I now have a pet business that brings all joy and space to develop future aspirations. 

This year I will turn 60 and it’s time for fulfilling dreams. I will be completing items on my bucket list to include finishing my degree, traveling to places I have wanted to experience, and eventually working on a 501c3 for a senior dog sanctuary.

I am so very excited about my book project “This is 60” where I share my experiences through pictures and stories about how remarkable 60 can be… age is only a number!

I do not believe I would have come this far without your help. You taught me to be laser-focused on what my needs/desires are and how to obtain them within a timeframe that worked for me. I appreciate your intuitive talents and professionalism throughout the coaching process. Thank you for all that you do.” 


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