After working with Kristin last year, I did go into the dance studio and dance my whole performance — no costumes, no props, no live music — just for me and my ancestors. It was a lovely ritual to say ‘good bye’ to this version of the work and to honor my grief of letting it go after pouring my heart and soul into it.
I didn’t get to a spa as they were all booked in the city in Ireland I was living in, but I got to Portugal instead where I was able to lay on the warm sands of beautiful mediterranean beaches, hike red rock cliffs, and eat great food! After returning to the US, it took awhile, but I eventually finished the film-dance I had been working on that related to the live performance project. In fact, just finished it last week!
And I’ve completed half the written portion of my PhD (I’m doing a PhD in Arts Practice so my body of work includes two performances and a written dissertation). Now off to my beloved California to teach, take in the Pacific ocean, visit best friends, and continue writing! I’m looking forward to finishing my PhD and seeing what the universe has in store for me as the next steps of my work in the world.
My biggest ‘take-aways’ after my session with Kristin were:
- It’s ok to grieve after finishing a big project. That ‘post project depression’ is a real thing. It’s important to give myself the time and space to honor that through self-care, acceptance, and reflection before jumping into the next thing. (Or thinking that I have to jump into the next thing.)
- Things take as long as they take. Some creative projects have a life of their own. And as much as I might want to push something, it’s usually better if I yield and relax into the process.
Thanks Kristin for your awesomeness and grace!!
P.S. – If anyone wants to know more about my work, feel free to email me at