Today’s episode is a deep dive into friendship.
Alex Alexander recently interviewed me on her podcast, Friendship IRL – this bonus episode is that interview.
Originally, our idea was to talk about how to make business friends, but our conversation quickly became so much more. We focused especially on intentional everyday actions we need to take to build the kinds of connections we want in our lives.
You have probably read articles that point to friendship as one of the top contributors to happiness. And yet, especially for busy business owners, friendship usually gets pushed to the bottom of a To Do list – if it even goes on the list at all!
Taking even one small action a day toward friendship and connection can lead to feelings of contentment, positive self-regard and fulfillment. And those feelings help us begin to create a well-rounded life that is worth living!
So, listen in and discover how you can begin to take important friendship actions now – even as a very busy business owner.