It was so helpful to receive simple instructions on how and where to find employees, people that were already actively looking for work. I feel that Kristin has great experience and instincts and insights as a businesswoman. She helped me to see that I need to be attuned into my employee’s bandwidth and not allow them to become over worked. I found 2 additional employees, one of which that still works with me. She works at a school but works for me during breaks, Christmas break and summer break. Which works out great because these are our busier times. So, my long-time employee has full time work year-round, and has help during our busy season.
I still have my house cleaning business, but I do not clean anymore. I simply do the schedule, invoicing and provide supplies. It basically runs itself. I have let go of feeling the need to control the business and have let it stop controlling me. I have the attitude that if it’s working out, then great, and if not, that’s ok too. I have passive income of around $2,000-3,000 per month. So far it has been working out wonderfully.
I now have the time and energy to pursue a more fulfilling career. I have been a full time licensed real estate assistant for the last year. This job really pushed me out of my comfort zone and is helping me to grow into a stronger, more professional businesswoman. I absolutely love my new role and I love learning and developing new skills. I enjoy using my brain more than my body. I have more energy, confidence and self-worth. I have the potential for growth in the company, to become partner in 5 years and eventually owner of the small real estate brokerage that has been around for 52 years.
Thanks, Kristin!